What are your futur...
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What are your future plans?

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Just post what you want to do in the future from where you are.

For me, I hope to get my Associates in Science degree at the end of this year and spend another 4-5 years obtaining my Chiropractic license. Yes, that much college is required. It may suck, but I will be making the big bucks by the end of it. Along the way, I hope to meet an amazing girl I can marry, and hopefully have kids with after college. I have a pretty standard "American Dream" like future planned, but it is what I want!

What about you guys?

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Joined: 10 years ago

Just post what you want to do in the future from where you are.

For me, I hope to get my Associates in Science degree at the end of this year and spend another 4-5 years obtaining my Chiropractic license. Yes, that much college is required. It may suck, but I will be making the big bucks by the end of it. Along the way, I hope to meet an amazing girl I can marry, and hopefully have kids with after college. I have a pretty standard "American Dream" like future planned, but it is what I want!

What about you guys?

Man, American Dream is what I want aswell; there's no problem with aiming high in life you know, so what if it's a cliche, it's something that's possible to achieve.

My future plans are to get my finish my course, do more courses until I have an outstanding CV/Resume and get a job.
