Throwing my two cen...
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Throwing my two cents in

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Here's me giving a f*ck.
A lot of you are talking about how this site looks a lot like se7ensins and what not.
A lot of you have vulgar/rude comments on how sh!tty this site is and what not.
A lot of you speak about oh well it's dead this site sucks etc...
For those people speaking smack, there are two sayings that go, "if you don't like it, then leave" no one here is pressured on staying here.
Second saying goes, "if you got nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all" so it goes to say. We are here doing these things for you guy's the members, I could quite frankly give two :mrpoop: if we look like se7ensins or not, a lot of you don't know that we use the same exact forum board software WHICH also provides a lot of modification/customization in their website FOR FREE, meaning any one can use them free of charge.
So we are not stealing se7ensins ideas or anything and quite honest, we provide a little more features than se7ensins does.
I provide features that I myself made/included in the past to please you guy's (the members) but some of you are very ungrateful.
All of which was free, ads free and all for you guys. The least you can do is show appreciation or buy premium to support the website.
As for the logo, It's an 8, it has no similar impressions like se7ensins does, they have a 7 different numbers.
Our logo doesn't even stand for anything related to their logo and it doesnt have a face.
The least some of you can argue about is the fact that our 8 has horns and a tail. You know what else has horns an a tail?
a goat, a bull, a devil, and a cow which are all different, yet they same the same exact things.
So please, if your not here to help and just leech, simple. Leave.

If I offended some of you, I do apologize. I just really hate ungrateful people, who complain about something that is free to them.

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
6 Replies
Posts: 505
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Joined: 10 years ago

Preach it.

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(@Teufel Hunden)
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Joined: 10 years ago

This really needed to be said and i'm glad you said it.

Posts: 278
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Joined: 10 years ago

Had to be said, you know who the loyal people are, and we're standing by you! 8L for the win! 😉

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Joined: 10 years ago

Well said brobro. I'm contemplating new logo ideas for Rival Gamer now 😀

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