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Surprise Peoples!

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(@Dr Pepper)
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Joined: 9 years ago

Hey all, new here as u can tell, I'm just your casual gamer looking for some fun 😉 if u ever want to play a game or 2 hit me up on XBL or pm here
XBL GT: X(D)rXPepper69X (remove the brackets if ur adding me)

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
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Welcome to the forum Dr Pepper!

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Welcome to Rival Gamer! 🙂
I'll add you as soon as I get on my Xbox. 😀

My GamerTag is - Skrtty

I mainly play Call of Duty series games, i'm playing the BO3 Beta atm and i'm mainly on BO2 but I reset. :p

Oh and enjoy your time at Rival Gamer! 🙂

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Welcome to Rival Gamer, Dr. Pepper!

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Welcome to Rival Gamer.If you need any help be sure to PM any staff member.

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