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So christmas time is coming near and im thinking about buying my mom something for christmas, but one problem, my mom gets mad at me whenever me or my brother try to buy her something with are own money. We are trying to do something nice for her but every time we do she gets mad. Is there anything that yall can think of that will help me get through to her and say that shes appreciated.

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I know how you feel man my mum is like that too haha, Unfortunately she will always get mad at you spending money on her so what i tend to do is slyly ask her things like "Do you think this is nice?" "Look at this" (And wait if she says its looks good or whatever) or i don't know if your mum does it but i'm guessing she does. If she notices something on the TV or internet and says oh i wouldn't mind that then buy her it and surprise her she will be mad and want to throttle you for buying her something but will also be very grateful 😉

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So christmas time is coming near and im thinking about buying my mom something for christmas, but one problem, my mom gets mad at me whenever me or my brother try to buy her something with are own money. We are trying to do something nice for her but every time we do she gets mad. Is there anything that yall can think of that will help me get through to her and say that shes appreciated.

You can never go wrong with something homemade and straight from the heart. If she still gets mad at that, then I do not know what kind of Mom she is.
