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What do we feel about changing some of the names of staff titles? I am currently fixing up the banner/userbars for displaying our titles.

Writer -----> Journalist? Desire Starz Athena
Tester -----> Forum Tester? Amazing

GlitchyTea DubbedNav

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
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(@Desire Starz)
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If we used journalist it'd be the wrong word, but for forum tester that would be fine.

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If we used journalist it'd be the wrong word, but for forum tester that would be fine.

Well not really. A Journalist writes news stories. But, it is what you want because it is your position 😉

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What do we feel about changing some of the names of staff titles? I am currently fixing up the banner/userbars for displaying our titles.

Writer -----> Journalist? Desire Starz Athena
Tester -----> Forum Tester? Amazing

GlitchyTea DubbedNav

Forum Tester sounds good but i agree with desire i don't think writer should be changed to journalist

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Journalist reminds me of when you're out in a rain forest and you're writing in a journal. Writer reminds me of someone who is writing on a forum called "Rival Gamer"

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