Nice Person Badge/a...
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Nice Person Badge/award!

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I think for people who always act positive and nice to others should earn this award/badge!
If you could you should have badge saying, [Nice Guy].

I think the nice people should get a award for once, like me!

If you have this award and you think this suggestion is a mistake feel free to take this post down. 😀

Support For This Will Be Greatly Apreceated!

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
12 Replies
Posts: 82
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What sort of things would you have to do? If you mean helping people, we have the support angel award 🙂

Posts: 260
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Joined: 9 years ago

What sort of things would you have to do? If you mean helping people, we have the support angel award 🙂

Like Being Kind, always welcoming new members (But not just saying welcome every time),helping people out, just nice stuff in genral!

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(@Teufel Hunden)
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Nekrotic "Support angel" is more of someone who helps others out. What he's saying is for those who are nice to others and not disrespectful. However XSTREAMSHOOTA, I suggest a different name. I'm not sure what name, but a different name. We like to have our names one of a kind.

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If you guys come up with a name, & description and I like it. Then I don't see why not.
The only problem is, I don't want to have like 1000 awards that just get handed out to everyone.

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