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Posts: 685
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Joined: 9 years ago

may be but the way i see it is game news it helps an members are interested what i post dont see the point in changing it around for yours its the same

Posts: 82
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Joined: 9 years ago

may be but the way i see it is game news it helps an members are interested what i post dont see the point in changing it around for yours its the same

If what you are posting is news, here is a handy tip. Put the article up the top, with all of the information, but at the bottom (or reply) ask some questions, or give your point of view, this will stimulate discussion, rather than just reading 🙂

Posts: 685
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Joined: 9 years ago

yes good point but you read or watch what i post an its up to members to comment or not like legless puts effort in his posts an hardly gets nothing i no its the rules but dont see the point i have done it this way for a long time normally its got great interest

Posts: 82
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Joined: 9 years ago

yes good point but you read or watch what i post an its up to members to comment or not like legless puts effort in his posts an hardly gets nothing i no its the rules but dont see the point i have done it this way for a long time normally its got great interest

The forum is small, posts will go without discussion, but I think you, especially as a staff member, should strive to engage users. Even if you are not getting responses, you should take an extra 30 seconds, to try and get some discussion. It is the whole point.

Posts: 685
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Joined: 9 years ago

may be. is this not a modding site or is another version of facebook members come here for game saves an editors an look an latest game news or may be im wrong what im doing threw the years

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