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Hello everybody, Having this rank suggestion on the forum.
I think it's one of the most important ranks it have access to the Staff but not controlling site.

What's MVP?
MVP's (Most Valued Members) are loyal members. All of them have contributed somehow to the site.
Those members work closely together with the staff to improve the site. They have a own forum as well as a own userbar and name colour. Sometimes they even get a chance to test new exploits before they get released.

How To Become MVP Member?
Basically you have to be a Premium member for sometime with a good reputation and make yourself outstanding from others in a positive way:

  • Be active on the forums.
  • Be nice and friendly towards other users.
  • Help other members when they ask for it.
  • Share. Found a new glitch/exploit? Share it. Or even a interesting news about PS3/XBOX.
  • Report. Found a topic/post in the wrong section or a inappropriate post? Report it using the "Report" button. (But do NOT abuse the report function!)
  • Do NOT ask to be promoted. Asking will reduce your chance for a promotion a lot. We will come to you on our own if we believe you deserve a promotion.

Rank and userbar Colors;
- Green color name.
- Green userbar

Thanks for reading. 🙂

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
2 Replies
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Joined: 10 years ago

This is basically along the same lines of V.I.P which has been waitlisted as of now i like the idea but it's been suggested before 🙂

Posts: 411
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Joined: 10 years ago

I agree with xlust. Its just another version of the VIP that is in progress, with a hint of the Rival Gamer tester.

I like some of the suggestions though, and may well form a part of the above groups.
