Mayweather vs Pacqu...
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Mayweather vs Pacquiao

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He did win which pisses me off. It was not an entertaining fight at all. Every single time Pac got him with good hits, Mayweather would hold onto him or run around the ring. It was stupid. Plus the requirements that Mayweather had were just dumb. Some of the requirements were that if Mayweather lost there would be a rematch, if he won there was no rematch. Mayweather got to choose the judges and Pacquiao's gloves. Stupid fight.

Mayweather is 38 years old, he's retiring in September when he has his last fight, a lot of people are claiming that Pacman deserved to win, however all the stats prove that Mayweather won. Gloves are gloves, I boxed for two years myself and had a few spars, some would say gloves make a difference, however I've never felt so. Something many people don't know is that Mayweathers hit accuracy is 24% higher than the average, so when you compare Manny's 19% throughout the fight and Mayweathers 36% It was clear who'd scored the most points.

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(@Teufel Hunden)
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Mayweather is 38 years old, he's retiring in September when he has his last fight, a lot of people are claiming that Pacman deserved to win, however all the stats prove that Mayweather won. Gloves are gloves, I boxed for two years myself and had a few spars, some would say gloves make a difference, however I've never felt so. Something many people don't know is that Mayweathers hit accuracy is 24% higher than the average, so when you compare Manny's 19% throughout the fight and Mayweathers 36% It was clear who'd scored the most points.

I boxed for a while as well. Gloves don't make a difference to me, but who knows what Manny thinks of it. The only reason why Mayweather's accuracy is above average is because he has a long reach and throws jabs while dancing around the ring making people miss. It's a good strategy but no one wants to see that every fight for 12 rounds.

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I boxed for a while as well. Gloves don't make a difference to me, but who knows what Manny thinks of it. The only reason why Mayweather's accuracy is above average is because he has a long reach and throws jabs while dancing around the ring making people miss. It's a good strategy but no one wants to see that every fight for 12 rounds.

Of course, everyone wants to see knock outs and aggressive fighting but some fighters prefer to use tactics and fight smartly.

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