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Hello everyone part of the Rival Gamer community here.
My name is Rich.
Gamertag, WaIlmart
Games I enjoy playing vary from first person shooting too racing types, mainly I play competitive halo3 an gta v from time to time.
If you're interested playing shoot me a message I'm always on I work mon-Friday an friendly too play with, thanks for your time
Rival Gamer community
Aka WaIlmart

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
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Joined: 10 years ago

Hello everyone part of the Rival Gamer community here.
My name is Rich.
Gamertag, WaIlmart
Games I enjoy playing vary from first person shooting too racing types, mainly I play competitive halo3 an gta v from time to time.
If you're interested playing shoot me a message I'm always on I work mon-Friday an friendly too play with, thanks for your time
Rival Gamer community
Aka WaIlmart

Hello Rich, welcome to Rival Gamer.

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Joined: 10 years ago

Thanks legless(:

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(@Brad P)
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Joined: 1 second ago

Welcome to Rival Gamer mate. Hope you enjoy it here 🙂

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Joined: 10 years ago

Thanks buddy, I'll be sure enjoy myself an do best for the community while I'm round ((:

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