I found these bugs....
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I found these bugs..

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Choose a name less than 12 characters.

Should put that underneath where the rest of the 'rules' are (or set limit for names length change) to something like that ^

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Should put that underneath where the rest of the 'rules' are (or set limit for names length change) to something like that ^

Good Idea man, i'll look into it

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The red square shows what's wrong, it's been like that ever since I joined, the line through the name, and this here

Whenever I make a topic or reply, the t and f are faded into the background page layout w.e.

The second one is by default, xenforo has overflow hidden. Only thing I could do is make that wider, but if someone signs in with a longer name it will do the same.

For the first one, I would have to make the sidebar wider to accommodate a long name.

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Joined: 10 years ago

The second one is by default, xenforo has overflow hidden. Only thing I could do is make that wider, but if someone signs in with a longer name it will do the same.

For the first one, I would have to make the sidebar wider to accommodate a long name.

Is this sorted or not bud? Nice YT icon BTW 😉

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