Free BO3 Beta Code ...
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Free BO3 Beta Code Method

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If you are looking for the Black Ops II BETA, but don't want to pre order the game, here are 2 ways to do it!

Just remember, the BETA is only available for PS4, XboxOne, and PC.

[HIDE-REPLY]Step 1: Go to Amazon
Step 2: Go to the Black Ops III Sale page
Step 3: Click the Pre-Order button
Step 4: If you have a Credit Card attached to your account, just use that to Pre-Order the game
Step 5: After 2-3 days you will get the BETA code through your e-mail.
Step 6: Go to your orders, and cancel the Pre-Order.[/HIDE-REPLY]

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
10 Replies
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(@Project Wee)
New Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Thanks for this.I am looking for a code.

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Joined: 1 second ago

Nice find 🙂

Posts: 685
Honorable Member
Joined: 9 years ago

nice share twerk but legend already posted a similar thread

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(@Brad P)
New Member
Joined: 1 second ago

Thanks for this.I am looking for a code.

that signature though :0882:

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