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Posts: 323
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There is 2 PSN ID places, 2 Steam ID places, and 2 Gamertag places. I dont know if those are meant to be there or not.

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
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I'm sure if you put your gamertag in the bit that says "Gamertag" it only shows up if people go on your information tab & if you put your gamertag in "Xbox Live" it shows up at the bottom of your post-bit like this same stands for PSN.

Posts: 323
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I'm sure if you put your gamertag in the bit that says "Gamertag" it only shows up if people go on your information tab & if you put your gamertag in "Xbox Live" it shows up at the bottom of your post-bit like this same stands for PSN.

I know, but what i mean is should it really have 2? would it not be better if there was just 1 for both profile page, and user card?

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I know, but what i mean is should it really have 2? would it not be better if there was just 1 for both profile page, and user card?

Nah not everyone wants a usercard so it makes sense.. Also some of your signatures are HUGE max size is 500 x 200

Posts: 323
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Nah not everyone wants a usercard so it makes sense.. Also some of your signatures are HUGE max size is 500 x 200

I know working on it. 😛

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