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Please note: the following content does not come from staff point of view. It does not reflect any staff discussion, this is simply a suggestion from a forum user, to gain feedback from other members.


I was thinking the moderation team.

We have 3 types of moderators, but I was thinking about something that another forum uses. A "helper" system. Of course it would be named something cooler 😛
Here are three ways it could look.

1. Helper
2. Sectional Moderator
3. Global Moderator

1. Helper
2. Global Moderator
3. Head Moderator

1. Helper
2. Light/sectional Moderator.
3. Heavy Moderator
4. Super Moderator
(^ our current system with helper added^)

Or it could not have it at all.
But a helper is a member who contributes highly, and upholds the rules, so they are appointed a rank to show off. But some responsibility comes with it. Some sections that are heavily posted in, may be moderated by the helper group, they look through suggestions, and just help staff out. Their 'moderator' abilities are VERY LIMITED. They get just enough to help with menial tasks.

The moderators get full powers and are generally a helper before they get promoted.

What do you guys think?

Just let me re-state. This is just a suggestion, this may not be implemented or even looked at from a staff point of view. We have a current system that is being worked on, but I was curios what you thought about helpers. I personally don't think we really need it now, but if the forum got larger, it could be useful.

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3 Replies
Posts: 323
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Joined: 10 years ago

I like this idea a lot.

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I agree, if the Rival Gamer Community was bigger, this would be a great idea.

Posts: 505
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Joined: 10 years ago

We need an active community before even think about opening up new positions.This is a good plan for future reference though.
