Call Of Duty Ghosts...
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Call Of Duty Ghosts - Addresses Thread [1.20] [PS4]

Posts: 245
Topic starter
Estimable Member
Joined: 10 years ago

Enable FPS - 0x856A9A - (On - 80 78 10 01 , Off - 80 78 10 00)
FPS Text String - 0xC61CA6
FPS Text X - 0xC61A9F
FPS Text Y - 0xC61AA3
FPS TextSize - 0xC61A9B
Can be used to make a FPS Menu

Class 1 Name - 0x637B906
Class 2 Name - 0x637B986
Class 3 Name - 0x637BA06
Class 4 Name - 0x637BA86
Class 5 Name - 0x637BB06
Class 6 Name - 0x637BB86

Soldier 1 Name - 0x637BC02
Local Name - 0x2050485

Kills 0x200FA52
Death´s 0x200FA54

G_client 0x200C580 - 0x3A80-Next Client
Client 0 Team - 0x200F960 (Free For All - 0x08 ,Spectator Team - 0x03 ,Federation Team - 0x01 ,Ghosts Team - 0x02)
Client 0 Akimbo Primary - 0x200C8C1 (On - 0x01 , Off - 0x00)
Client 0 Akimbo Secondary - 0x200C8D1 (On - 0x01 , Off - 0x00)
Client 0 Weapon 1 - 0x200C86C
Client 0 RedBoxes - 0x200C590 0xFF - Third Person + Thermal + Redboxes/0x08 - Thermal/0x10 - RedBoxes/0x00 - Normal/0x02 - Third Person
Client 0 UAV - 0x2C1F0D0 0x01/On- 0x00/Off
Client 0 Origin/Teleport 0x200C598
Client 0 mflag - 0x200FC20
Client 0 scoreflag - 0x200F880 0x00/normal /0x01-0x02-0x03
Client 0 Name - 0x200F99C
Client 0 Ammo Primary - 0x200CAD8 - 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff/On - 0x0D,0x00,0x00,0x00/OFF
Client 0 Ammo Secondary - 0x200CAE8 - 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff/On - 0x0C,0x00,0x00,0x00/OFF
Client 0 Ammo Tactical - 0x200CAC8 - 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff/On - 0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00/OFF
Client 0 Ammo Grenade - 0x200CAB8 - 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff/On - 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00/OFF
Client 0 IngameButtons - 0x200FC34
Client 0 T-bag - 0x200C591 - 0x64
Client 0 Spectator Mode - 0x200C591- 0x23/On - 0x40/OFF

G_Entity 0x1E38440 - 0x2F0-size
Client 0 God Mode - 0x01E3861C (On - 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff , Off - 0x64,0x00,0x00,0x00)
Client 0 Model - 0x1E385d8 Model List:CoD Ghosts Set Models Class - 1.14 -

public class Buttons120
public static UInt32
X = 0x00000400,
O = 512,
Square = 0x00000030,
Triangle = 8,
L3 = 0x00002002,
R3 = 0x04000004,
L2 = 0x00080800,
R2 = 0x00000001,
L1 = 0x00008000,
R1 = 0x00004000,
Crouch = 0x00000200,
Prone = 0x00000100,
StartButton = 4;

public Boolean ButtonPressed120(Int32 clientIndex, UInt32 Button)
if (ps4.Extension.ReadUInt32((UInt32)G_Client120(clie ntIndex) + 0x36B4) == Button)
return true;
else return false;

public Int32 G_Client120(Int32 clientIndex)
return (Int32)0x200C580 + 0x3A80 * clientIndex;

"]HookAddress - 0x009C9080

-(Not Tested)-
Cbuff_Addtext - 0x759350
G_spawn - 0x71FE40
G_LocalizedString - 0x42AAF0

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags