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BO1 Wii Mod

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New RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Here is an old script I found. Well I have plenty of the ones I coded but I like this for the wii when it first came out 😉

	        if (!level.IsRaining)
	            level.IsRaining = true;
	            self iprintlnBold("ON");
	            self thread RainRockets();
	            level.IsRaining = false;
	            self iprintlnbold("OFF");
	            level notify("RocketsEnd");
	        self endon("disconnect");
	        level endon("RocketsEnd");
	            x = randomIntRange(-10000,10000);
	            y = randomIntRange(-10000,10000);
	            z = randomIntRange(8000,10000);
	            MagicBullet( "streala_mp", (x,y,z), (x,y,0), self );
	            wait 0.05;

Completely forgot it's for [SC7E52]

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7 Replies
Posts: 340
Reputable RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

you can actually mod wii as far as i knew you could only like get it to play back ups like a flashed xbox can ?

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New RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

you can actually mod wii as far as i knew you could only like get it to play back ups like a flashed xbox can ?

Yes, only through backups. You have to do that basically rewrite the game to the drive with the menu on it

Posts: 340
Reputable RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Yes, only through backups. You have to do that basically rewrite the game to the drive with the menu on it

so basically iso mods ?

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New RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

so basically iso mods ?

Yea basically, can be on disks or usb 😛
Same concept because everything needs jailbroken aka homebrew for the wii 🙂

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