BBcode implementati...
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BBcode implementation

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Not yet but it will be

This needs doing ASAP. I will be hosting tonight, people will have to reply to the thread (having to sign up) to 'unlock my gamertag'.

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This needs doing ASAP. I will be hosting tonight, people will have to reply to the thread (having to sign up) to 'unlock my gamertag'.

Okay I am working on this right this minute. I will test to see if it works or not.
I will keep you updated.

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(@Brad P)
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The guy above. = GENIUS

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check em
Hide your gamertag behind a CODE bbcode like this

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Joined: 10 years ago

check em
Hide your gamertag behind a CODE bbcode like this

Nice but, could you make it so people have to reply to the thread? Not just sign up. They will have to post that way you know, if they sign up and it unlocks they can still leech the GT. Without posting!

If you add all the BBCodes just don't make it a mission, to be able to unlock something hahaha 😉 If you can make each [hide] something different you know what I mean? Like [hide]content[/hide] you need to reply, [like]content[/like] you need to like ect..[/hide]

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