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Another Signature Suggestion

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For me personally, I would love this addon to be implemented! As I am focused on YouTube. Basically, I would like to know if you could add this as a BBCode (usually is as addon):

As you can see the BBCode allows a proper box for your YouTube Channel and just looks super sexy. You just use [SUBSCRIBE]TheDonBroo[/SUBSCRIBE], where my name is, is your channel URL link (after wwwyoutubecom/HERE), then the rest is done by the addons coding! Its just AWESOME. :p

Would be awesome! Thanks, ~TheDonBro.

Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
14 Replies
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I like that idea Don

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I like that idea Don

I am glad bud. 🙂

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can you find me the code used?, we could just create a bbcode with the code used to generate that. Doesn't need an addon.

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can you find me the code used?, we could just create a bbcode with the code used to generate that. Doesn't need an addon.

YouTube Subscribe Button - YouTube — Google Developers

Other - YouTube Subscriber Button BBcode | XenForo Community

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