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Artemis PS3 Hacking System by Dnawrkshp Arrives, Open Source

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Active RivalGamer
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To quote: Artemis PS3 Hacking System

I'm pressed for time right now so I can't write a full write-up, but basically Artemis PS3 is similar to CodeUnique except it is free and open source.

Artemis PS3 is a part of Project Artemis; a larger, collaborative initiative to create hacking systems for those that lack one already. If you care to, you may read more about it here. Artemis PS3 will be added to it later.

Again pressed for time so here's an old video I have of Artemis in action. Since then there have been a few graphical changes, but mainly just more features.

The source code, as always, is on my Github (linked above). It has a instructional readme to help you get it running on your PS3.

As of now I'm most interested in getting feedback from users. I can't truly find all the bugs and that's where I need you. If you encounter anything unusual, please message me somehow with a description of the bug and a possible way to recreate it. Thanks.

Finally, from the ReadMe File: ArtemisPS3

An Open Source Playstation 3 Hacking System created under the Project Artemis initiative ( )

How To Use

Please refer to the Installation file for installation and use instructions.


  • Install MAMBA and PS3MAPI payload (if not already installed)
  • Load artemis_ps3.sprx into VSH
  • Access codes from an online database
  • Access user codes
  • Allow for users to enter their own codes
  • Sorts codes and games alphabetically


Lazy Bastard - Project Founder
Berion - GUI Graphic Designer
Dnawrkshp - Creator of ArtemisPS3-GUI and ArtemisPS3-PRX
NzV - PS3MAPI (on which Artemis is dependant upon)
PS2Dragon - Artemis Logo
Square Enix - Kingdom Hearts Dearly Beloved song


ArtemisPS3-GUI - PSL1GHT SDK (


This has been built using a makefile and my VS Integration tools. Ideally, you'd use Visual Studio to run and compile as normal. However the command line will still operate functionally.

For the following, only selfs can be packaged and run.

Visual Studio

Build - Set mode to Debug. Build as normal (F6)
Run - Set mode to Debug. Run as normal (F5)
Package - Set mode to Release. Build as normal (F6)

Command Line

Build - make
Run - make run
Package - make pkg


Your PS3 must be running CFW 3.55 or above (DEX and CEX supported)!

Installing Artemis PS3

  • Download the ArtemisPS3-GUI.pkg
  • Install it onto your PS3 (method to install depends on your CFW)

Installing cheat codes

  • Choose between installing the .ncl file on a flash drive or in the Artemis installation directory
  • For the flash drive make a new folder on the root called USERLIST
  • Inside the folder place any .ncl files inside it
  • Insert the usb drive into the right usb slot of your PS3 and launch Artemis PS3
  • For the installation directory method launch an FTP server on your PS3 (multiman)
  • Navigate to /dev_hdd0/game/ARTPS3001/USRDIR/USERLIST/
  • Place any .ncl files inside the folder and launch Artemis PS3

Using Artemis

  • Launch Artemis from the XMB and selected your codes
  • Once you have selected your codes Press X on Start in the main menu
  • You should hear a single beep (if you hear three MAMBA failed to install)
  • From here you can launch the game or launch homebrew to mount the game
  • Once you are ready to use your codes in the game, open the in game XMB by pressing the PS button
  • A notification should appear telling you to press L3 and R3 to attach (if this does not appear just wait a little)
  • HOLD L3 and R3 until Artemis says that it has attached
  • At this point any codes chosen to constant write will be constantly writing
  • For any single write codes you wish to write again, just enter the in game XMB again and hold L3 and R3

Creating cheat lists (.ncl)

  • NetCheat List Files are built into NetCheat PS3
  • Download and run NetCheatPS3
  • In the codes tab create a new code and name it as you wish
  • Within the textbox enter any NetCheat PS3 codes (or use the Codelist by clicking the square on the bottom left)
  • Finally click Save All and specify a save location for the new .ncl

Creating advanced cheat lists (.ncl)

New in Artemis PS3 is the ability to add option tags.
These tags enable you to specify options for a code that has multiple effects for one address.
Using tags instead of multiple codes condenses the overall cheats list.
The format for an option tag is very specific and must be used exactly as described.
A tag begin with brackets that surround an ID ([Z]).
This ID must be a collection of capital Z's.
For instance, a tag such as [ZZZZ] has an ID of ZZZZ. [zz] is not a valid ID.
Following the opening tag are the elements, or options.
Each element begins with the value that the option represents, an equal sign (=), and the name of the option.
Elements are separated by semicolons ( ; ).
So right now an option tag would look something like this: [ZZ]0010=This is 0x10;0020=This is 0x20
But now we have to end the tag. To end an option tag you simply add a forward slash (/) in front of the ID and surround that with brackets ([/Z]).
Finally to actually implement this as a value for a code, simply put the ID of the tag anywhere in the code you'd like.
For instance, in Jak 1 there are 4 different types of eco states you can be in. Red, blue, green, and yellow.
Each uses the same line. So the appropriate code using option tags would be:
0 201FEE08 ZZ
0 201FEE0C 00000040
Read more at Video: Artemis PS3 Hacking System by Dnawrkshp Arrives, Open Source - Page 1 - PS4 NEWS - PS3 NEWS - PlayStation 4 News - PlayStation 3 News - PS3 Hacks - PS3 CFW


Name of the Video Game, and any other Tags
6 Replies
Posts: 1598
Noble RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

Wow i never knew about this, it looks awesome and reminds of the good old days (gameshark days )

Posts: 26
Eminent RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

game shark and action replay

Posts: 1598
Noble RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

game shark and action replay

GameShark is OG

I still have GameShark blue transparent kit since 15+ years ago lol

Action reply is good but i love GamShark as it was my first cheating device.

Posts: 26
Eminent RivalGamer
Joined: 9 years ago

i had them all action replay gameshark c0debreaker lol i had em all for ps1 & 2 gba nds gamecube ......i was spoiled lil kid back den.

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